How to claim your HAF voucher

Depending on the type of voucher you have received, you will have one of two options. Please review the information below to ensure you follow the correct steps.

Step 1

You will receive a text/email (or both) to say that you have been issued a voucher to use during the school holidays. 

Please click on the button 'View voucher'. 

Step 2

Option one: If your voucher looks like the below image, and only has one option at the bottom, please select ‘View activities’.

You will then be redirected to a booking platform that is different from HolidayActivities, or a list of providers and activities for you to contact directly.

If your voucher does not look like this please view ’ option two’. 

Screen Recording 2024-11-28 at 13.49.27 (1).gif

Option two: When you click on view voucher, if the below option appears, please select ‘Continue with email’ to get started.

Layer 11.png

Step 3

Enter your email address and then press sign in. 


Step 4

You will then be taken to the following page to create your account. Please enter your details then select sign up.  If you already have an account, skip to step 6.


Step 5

You will then be asked to check your inbox to confirm your email address.

Screen Recording 2024-10-16 at 11.58.53.gif

Step 6

Once you have received the email, please press log me in.


You can now book your child on to activities. For guidance on how to book activities through the HolidayActivities platform please -  click here.

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