Ordering HAF vouchers for eligible pupils with court orders

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This help article explains how to order HAF vouchers for eligible pupils who do not pull through to HolidayActivities due to a court order restricting the data within the school's MIS.

Please note: In order to comply with safeguarding requirements, the HolidayActivities platform restricts pupil data pulling through for all pupils with a court order attached within the school's MIS.

Step 1 

Log in to your Holiday Activities account. If vouchers have already been sent, or scheduled to send, please do not un-toggle any existing pupils.

Court Order 1.png

Step 2

At the top of the dashboard, select Download template to download the CSV template.

Court Order 2.png

Step 3

Once downloaded, open the CSV file template and populate it with the names of any pupils requiring a HAF voucher, who cannot be pulled through to the HolidayActivities platform due to attached court orders.

LA Voucher Account_0002_CSV File.jpg


Step 4

Drag your file into the box or click Browse and find the CSV file you just saved. After this, click on Upload File.

IMPORTANT: If there are any errors in your CSV file, it will not upload. Please see the top tips at the bottom of the article which may explain why it is not uploading.

LA Voucher Account_0001_Upload.jpg

Step 5

Your CSV file will be uploaded and vouchers will be assigned to eligible children.

LA Voucher Account_0000_Children Uploaded.jpg

Top Tips

  1. Make sure the headings do not contain capital letters. 
  2. Make sure you upload the file in CSV format. 
  3. No spaces before or after text or between numbers. 
  4. No extra punctuation or special characters other than full stops or @.

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