To request a cancellation on a child's booking, please follow the steps below.
Step 1
You will first need to log in to your account and navigate to the Bookings tab.
Step 2
Find the activity booking you wish to cancel and click Cancel booking.
Step 3
Enter the reason you wish to cancel the activity booking and click Cancel booking. This request will then be sent to the provider for them to approve.
Step 4
You will then be taken back to the booking page and will see the following message up until the provider approves your cancellation request.
Please note: When you request for an activity to be cancelled, the request is sent to the provider and not HolidayActivities. The cancellation approval is handled by the provider, not HolidayActivities. Therefore, we have no ability to speed up the process or approve the cancellation request. Please contact the provider if you wish to do so.
Step 5
Once your cancellation request has been approved, you will receive an email to confirm this and the credit(s) used for the booking will be added back to your voucher automatically.
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