How to get further information for attendee details

Step 1 

Find the activity you wish to view the attendees for then click on three dots and select View activity.

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Step 2

Scroll down to the attendees list locate the attendee you would like to view the information of. Click the three dots next to this individual and select View attendee details.

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Step 3

If you feel there is information missing that you require, go back to your attendee list. You can then locate the student and click on the three dots before selecting Message attendee. Here, you can send a message to the parent of the recipient to request the information you require. 

Further Info from Attendees-3.png

Step 4

Once you have received a response from the parent, click on the three dots and select Edit attendee. 


Step 5

Update the information from and scroll down to click Edit attendee to save this.

Further Info from Attendees-4.png

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