How to order HAF vouchers through

This article explains how to order HAF vouchers through the Holiday Activities platform.


Step 1  

Log into your Wonde account


Step 2

Click on the Evouchers HolidayActivities Banner on your dashboard



Step 3

You'll then be taken into your HolidayActivities account where the HAF scheme will show, please click 'Select applicable students'.


Important: the following screen may show if we're syncing with your school data, it shouldn't take too long, but please email if you continue to see the message. 

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 10.16.46.png

Step 4

You will then be taken to the screen below. All free school meal-eligible children within relevant years are automatically selected for this programme - the HAF programme funding is for school aged children from reception to year 11 (inclusive). Information on the child’s national curriculum year and FSM eligibility will be used to determine whether to select the child as applicable for a HAF voucher; if the national curriculum year is not obtained, the child’s date of birth along with the school year start date will be used to calculate their national curriculum year.

It is recommended to ensure the selection is correct before assigning vouchers.

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 10.03.42.png

Step 5

Please check the parental contact for each student and use the switch parent button to select a different contact. The toggle can be used to send vouchers to non-FSM students, simply search for the student and turn the toggle on.

Please check your Local Authority's criteria before assigning vouchers to non-FSM students.

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 10.09.06.png

Step 6

Once finished, click 'Assign vouchers'

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 10.12.05.png


Step 7

Your vouchers are now confirmed and will be sent on the scheme start date. Please note that this may be a date in the future if the Local Authority has requested all vouchers to be sent on the same day. you are able to make additional changes and send vouchers to more students by clicking 'make additional changes'. 



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